Why get an ID Checked badge?

The ID Checked badge provides an extra level of trust and credibility on Raket.PH. By completing the ID verification process, you demonstrate that you are a reliable Raketeer.

Additionally, obtaining the 'ID Checked' badge is necessary for security purposes prior to making withdrawals, and it is also a requirement to become a Verified Pro. Click here link for more information on the requirements for the Verified Pro badge.

To obtain an ID Checked badge, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your profile picture located at the top right corner of the navigation bar.

  1. A dropdown menu will appear. Select 'Account Settings' from the options.

  1. Then select the 'Get the badge' button beside ID Verification.

  1. Follow the provided instructions to initiate and complete your ID verification process.

Please refer to the attached image for a list of supported IDs.

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